Bhandhania or Chadon Beni Sauce

This is a 5 ingredient sauce that is made in a matter of minutes by blending together.


Bhandania Sauce is a super simple condiment that is added to numerous Trinidadian breakfast items in. You can add this to aloo pies (fried potato pies), Trinidad Doubles, Trinidad bake and shark and even saheena (a savoury fried treat, made with split peas powder and dasheen bush baji). So many items to choose from!


10-15 long bhandhania or chadon beni leaves. If your leaves are short then you need to use more

3 garlic cloves

1 hot pepper, such as scotch bonnet (optional)

3-4 tablespoon water

salt to taste


Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until slightly smooth. Add more water if you prefer a thinner sauce. Taste for salt and adjust if necessary.