9 Tips for Anyone with an Air Fryer
I have had my air fryer for over 1 year now and I absolutely love it. But sometimes it’s not as easy to use as you would think. So I have compiled a few Tips which I developed during my time of using it.
My Exact Air Fryer
This appliance has gained immense popularity in Trinidad in the past year or 2. And to be honest, it’s quite amazing. I mean, who is that genius who invented the air fryer that fries without oil? So that us humans, who have a weakness for fried foods can have them without feeling guilty. Too good to be true right? Well it IS too good to be true because, get this, the air fryer does not actually fry!! By definition, frying is basically cooking food in hot oil or fat, and what the air fryer does, is give you that crunchy external layer using direct hot air, not fat!
How does the Air fryer work and why is it a good investment?
The air fryer is basically a turbo-powdered convection oven, that has a heating element to heat air to very high temperatures which is circulated around the food to produce even cooking. Whew! Now that was a long sentence. So, the air fryer uses hot air to cook and achieve the browning of food. This browning is known as the Maillard Reaction, and when you add a layer of oil, this results in a deeper brown colour.
Learning Time
What Causes Browning of Food during Cooking ?
The scientific term for “browning of food” is known as the Maillard Effect. This is a chemical reaction which occurs between an amino acid and a reducing sugar usually in the present of heat. During this process, hundreds of different flavor compounds are created which break down to form more new flavor compounds as the reaction proceeds. In the process, both colour and flavour changes occur. This reaction is responsible for the colouring of bread when toasting, roasting coffee, roasting marshmallows, and the flavor of roast meat.
The main advantage in using an air fryer is that it uses significantly less oil than actual frying, thus making it a healthier alternative. For example, a piece of chicken that has air fried, contains about 25% less oil than one that has been fried in oil.
I would say this is a good investment if you love fried foods and you love cooking. If you know you really won’t take the time to master using an air fryer then please don’t buy one. But if you really like experimenting with food and want to limit your oil intake in the process, then by all means, go ahead and have fun with it.
So in summary, the Air Fryer is an exciting kitchen tool for daring cooks, who have a love for fried foods!
Buying an Air fryer
I have the Premium Platinum Edition air fryer, which was gifted to me (see pic below). If I had to buy one over, I would chose a bigger one. When it comes to an air fryer, bigger is always better. This is because you have to place most foods in one (1) layer, which means you will have more batches when cooking for a family of 4 or more. You should also find out if the one you are purchasing has a nonstick basket- if it isn’t then your food will break apart and become a disaster.
Below shows some brands that I have seen in Trinidad.
Foods that are great in the Air fryer
This list is based on what I have experimented with thus far, and as I continue trying new things, it will be extended.
Any food that has a dry, breaded or floured crust. Such as fried chicken, fried fish, fried turkey and nuggets. Yes I have tried fried turkey and it was delicious.
Anything in a wanton or spring roll-type wrapper. Such as wantons, spring rolls and samosas. One thing to note is that the wrapper will not puff up as it would in traditional oil, but it will get crispy.
Certain foods without a breaded crust. Such as burgers, chinese style fried chicken and wings.
Frozen fries, or anything frozen for a matter of fact! Such as nuggets, dumplings and wedges. The catch here, is that some of them are already fried so all you’re doing is crisping them up.
Vegetables- Roasting of broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts etc. I tried frying caraili (bitter melon) and it came out very crispy and nice- just the way I like it!
I have not tried baking cakes or muffins yet because I don’t have the extra accessories, but I believe these would turn out great too.
Preheat fried foods. This can give you back that crunchy exterior which you don’t get when you reheat in a microwave.
Foods that don’t work well
Anything with a liquid-y or wet batter. The batter drips off the food and into the catchment tray, so don’t even attempt to do this!
Homemade potato chips/ fries. Some may disagree with me here but in my opinion, it’s not worth it. I tried this and it is very time consuming since you need to be turning and tossing the fries every 10 minutes or so. You cannot just set it and forget it. And, you can only do a very small batch at a time if you want it to get golden. For a family like mine, I will need to do at least 3 batches which will take over an hour to do. I really don’t have the time for that.
Oh and just for the record, I have tried Trini fry aloo (potato), and I did not get that authentic flavour that we usually get when we do it on the stove. It became beautifully crisped, but the flavour was not there.
My tips on using an air fryer
Tip #1: Preheat your air fryer according to instructions. This is basically turning it on about 2-3 minutes before you add your food.
Tip #2: Oil your air fryer basket to prevent sticking. Do not use aerosol sprays in your fryer since this can damage the non-stick coating. I use either a brush or an oil mister bottle with olive oil.
I like to use silicone brushes.
These are very cheap and can be found anywhere.
Tip #3: Brush or spray all foods with a little olive oil. Why?
To give it a darker brown colour (characteristic of fried foods).
To keep food moist. The air fryer also tends to dry out foods such as fries, so you need to add that extra moisture which comes from the oil.
To help dry seasonings stick the the food instead of falling out.
To prevent it from sticking to the base of the basket. For this, both sides of your food must be oiled. What I do, is brush one side with oil and place this side on the basket. I also spray the other side before flipping.
Tip #4: Gently flip or turn you breaded foods. If you are doing fried foods with a breaded crust, place them in one single layer so that all surfaces come into contact with the air to allow for browning. After the first period of cooking, you must gently flip the foods to brown the other side. I usually use a fork to gently raise each piece of food, before gently flipping. You will lose some of the crust, but if you do it gently, you wont lose all. This is especially the case with Fried Chicken.
Tip #5:Turn the foods during cooking, or shake the basket ever so often. This will ensure all surfaces come into contact with the hot air to allow for crispness.
Tip #6: If you are using larger pieces of meats that requires a nice golden colour, then make sure it’s in 1 (one) layer; do not stack.
Tip #7: Read your manufacturers manual. Each Air fryer operates uniquely, so you must follow the guidance that they provide. They usually advise you on care for your air fryer, as well as temperature and cooking times for various types of food.
Tip #8: Adjust the temperature depending on the type of food you are cooking. As mentioned in Tip #7, the temperature and cooking time is dependent on the type of air fryer you have, so please make sure and check out their suggestions in their manual before. Sometimes you may even have to experiment with their suggestions until you get what best works for you.
Tip #9: Don’t be afraid to experiment! The only way you will master the use of your air fryer, is by trying different and new things! This is how I was able to learn from my mistakes and create recipes to share with you all.
Remember these tips the next time you want to try out your Air Fryer and look out for Recipes from me in the future!
If you have any other questions just send me a message!